Asset proxy configuration file

Asset proxies are entered using an external file (Configuration File) in which 2 columns must be filled up. There is no longer a need to call the function elProxyCleanIdentifiers to replace the asset that is not covered by our API.

The configuration file is a csv file connected to your spreadsheet so when a risk metric function is called upon the non-covered asset, it will use in the background the proxy. Changes can be made on both files without having to close them. Once you saved the configuration file, you can refresh the worksheet to benefit from the changes.


The pop-up window appears when you click on the Setup button in the Asset Proxy group of the Edgelab ribbon. There, lies the path where the configuration file is located.

  • The Browse button is used to search for the asset proxy configuration file.
  • The Save button saves the configuration file located on the selected path.
  • The blue link leads to the website documentation.

To be noted: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\EdgeLab\assetsProxy.csv is the default location path where an asset proxy configuration file is positioned once the Add-in installation is completed. You can change the directory and even add a path to a cloud based domain. This can be useful if several people are working on a spreadsheet that relies on a list of asset proxy.

Asset Proxy

Below you have a picture that summarizes the steps to take to configure your asset proxy list.

  1. Click on “Modify”: this will open the configuration (.csv) file.
  2. Enter in the file
  3. In column A, add the identifier of the asset that will be replaced by a proxy.
  4. In column B, add the identifier fo the proxy.
  5. Save the file. If you no longer need it, close it.
  6. Back on the spreadsheet, click on “refresh this file”. The workbook will then account for the asset proxy.
  7. Your asset is now replaced by a proxy that you have configured.

The pre-fix (cash/, isin/, bbg/ …) are no longer mandatory when entering the identifiers in the configuration file. Column A and B must only contain the identifiers. Hence there must not be functions, nor the file must be saved in another format that csv.

Asset Proxy

To be noted: Asset proxy needs to be defined by you. As of now, EL does not provide a front to search for proxy. In case you come across non-covered assets and you are not sure if the proxy you are thinking of is suitable, do not hesitate to reach out to us using the support portal. Our team will help you out pick up the most appropriate proxy present in our database (Edgelab support portal).