
The ELPRC3 function provides you with the PRC of a single or a range of assets. the PRC can be based either on the global or asia methodology. The grade includes a market, credit and liquidity risk portion which can be displayed.



Retrieves the adjusted PRC of an Apple share using the default methodology which is the global one.

=ELPRC3(A2:A10, "global")

Retrieves the adjusted PRC for a list of assets using the methodology “global”.

=ELPRC3("US0378331005", "asia", {"raw", "stabilized", "adjusted"}, "TRUE", "TRUE", "TRUE")

Retrieves the raw, stabilized and adjusted PRCs for an Apple share using the ‘asia’ methodology, displaying the model used to compute the grade, along with the PRC decomposition into market, credit, and liquidity risk buckets and their corresponding weights.

US0378331005 Raw Stabilized Adjusted Market prc Liquidity prc Credit prc Market weight Liquidity weight Credit weight Model
  3.24027 3 3 5.00994 1.00614 1.53184 0.53483 0.28872 0.17643 computed


ELPRC3(assetIds[], methodology, prc[], components, model, headers)
Argument name Default Description
assetIds   Single or multiple asset identifiers (ISIN, FIGI, currency ISO, Edgelab ID).
methodology global Optional field defining the methodology to be used for risk classification, can be “global” or “asia”
prc adjusted Optional field defining the PRC value to return, can be “raw”, “stabilized” or “adjusted”. The “raw” PRC corresponds to the weighted sum of market, credit and liquidity grades.
components FALSE Optional field showing the details of the PRC composition, can be “FALSE” or “TRUE”
model FALSE Optional field showing the model used to compute the adjusted PRC, can be “FALSE” or “TRUE”
headers FALSE Optional field showing the header of the response can be “FALSE” or “TRUE”

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